
Friday 25 July 2014

Nature's Best -Englishman's Bay

Tobago is known to be the home to some of the world's most beautiful beaches. Bordered by the Caribbean and Atlantic Oceans, you're surrounded by family-friendly or more adventurous waters. Whether you want to catch a few waves or go snorkelling, maybe explore the island by boat, or simply bathe in its calm, shallow waters, Tobago's beaches cater for all tastes.

Englishman’s Bay is a famous spot and one of Tobago's jewels, it’s a green-blue sea surrounded by a wall of lush, shady trees including almond and coconut palms. The Englishman's Bay River meets Rockly River directly behind the beach. These rivers separate the beach from a patch of woodland between the beach and the road.

If you’re looking for a great spot to relax and enjoy nature’s peace then Englishman’s Bay is the place to be. Just call 622-2095 for directions.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Fort King George Park

Fort King George is a Tobago icon, the best preserved colonial fort on the island, and a must see for visitors wishing to spend a quiet afternoon, and another excellent place to watch the sun dip below the horizon on a balmy Caribbean evening.

You can see military arsenal like old canon, artillery, gun powder barracks, punishment cells, ancient history.  The great surprise is the view overlooking Tobago’s coastline, it’s just picture perfect.

There is a small museum at Fort King George with some interesting Island Carib artifacts. While there are no Amerindians in Tobago these days, there was a significant number in the past who successfully fort off invading forces in the early days, until their eventual demise.

You’ve got to see this Fort with its breath taking view of the beautiful island.

There are tours available, if interested please e-mail jevegems@gmail.com